"Dowry in Muslim Matrimony: Not a Necessity"

"Dowry in Muslim Matrimony: Not a Necessity"

Wedding Tips

In the Muslim community, the practice of dowry is not prevalent. The purpose of this process is for two souls to embark on their life journey with true love and commitment, devoid of any monetary or material value.

Many voices within the Muslim community have raised concerns against the practice of dowry, and various measures are being taken to abolish it. The benefits of a dowry-free marriage in Muslim matrimony include:

      • Financial Security: Without the practice of dowry, young couples can become more financially secure and plan their future together with mutual understanding.
      • Social Support: Opting for a dowry-free marriage can send a positive message within society, endorsed by supporters and prominent community figures who are against the dowry system.
      • Unity and Love: Without the burden of dowry, two individuals can perceive their life together as a unit and lead it with devotion.

By eliminating the practice of dowry in Muslim matrimony, couples are provided with an opportunity to embark on a journey of togetherness and strengthen their relationships with true love and commitment, making their bonds even stronger.